The Source-ed Sessions
The Source-ed Sessions with Eset Rose

The Source-ed Sessions with Eset Rose

Join Eset Rose + I as we heart riff on what it means to be sovereign + a gamechanger

Today I’m joined in our SOURCE-ED SESSION by the glorious + creative Eset Rose, who is…well, she’s many things…

A multidimensional artist, an intuitive strategist, AND…a transformational healer who advises some of the top talent of our time.
For 20 years, she operated as a Creative Business Partner and trusted advisor to Grammy-winning recording artist Alicia Keys. She’s also a fierce powerhouse of a singer + performer in her own right, as well as a mumma, a programming consultant at Kripalu + a woman I get to call my friend - we met through our mutual friend, Guru Jagat, who sadly left her body in summer 2021 + who we could NOT not mention in our convo together. 

Come join us as we pull a SHE oracle card + riff together on what comes up!

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Some of the things we talk about include:

 ✨ The role that our personal evolution plays in the evolution of others and the world

✨ The connection we all have to infinite universal wisdom

 ✨ Using art as a means for making visible the limitless possibilities that are available to us as humans

 ✨ How moving away from separateness opens up access to joy and play and pleasure

 ✨ Discovering what joy feels like for you and what brings you joy

✨ Eset's initiations into the path of the priestess

 ✨ The power of sound in creating what comes next

Here are a few quotable moments that I BLOODY loved from our chat:

"I was doing a session with someone yesterday and they were saying how they see themselves as a bridge. And they're embarking on the next phase of their journey. They're younger; they're just heading into their Saturn Return.
And they're like, 'But I'm afraid that if I, you know, go further, that I won', I'll be unrelatable. I won't be able to take their hand and help them cross the bridge.' And I was like, 'Oh honey, that's not your job. Your job is to be the bridge.' Because if you're standing on this side of the bank and there's no bridge to get to the other side, people are just like, 'I can't get there.' But if you become the bridge they're like, 'Oh, there's a way to get there.' Because you are the bridge. We just get to be the embodiment of, the living evidence of, and that's enough."

"I've had so many bridges, so many incredible, beautiful teachers who are known and who are unknown. And I think the ones who meant the most to me are the ones who kept directing me towards my own inner knowing."

"Through art we can take these things that are ineffable but that we all feel connected to and bring them to life and create a possibility of something. And so the more beauty and joy and pleasure and resource that we can start to bring through into this timeline the more people are like 'Oh! That's a possibility! I can choose that?' Because again there's this idea that we've got to suffer. It's not easy but we can have ease."

"Some of my biggest bridge builders were the ones who were like, 'Talk to the trees. And oh by the way, you're the same thing.' Who just kept taking away the idea of the separation and helping me understand that I am you and you are me and I am all these things around me and that I can be in this really deep dialogue with anything because it is me and we're all sharing the same intelligence. And my body and the intelligence of my body. And then all of a sudden these other worlds open up. These other dimensions open up. And you're like 'oooooh.' And then we can start to have more fun here."

"Right on the floor there's a piece of paper that says 'modern day priestess.' And it was my first time seeing this word; I was 26-years old. And it just like...from my toes all the way up to my head it was like 'whoosh!' And I was like 'I am that.' I just had this immediate, full bodied remembrance."

"You've got to take care of yourself. That's part of it. You've got to drink your water, you've got to eat well, you've got to sleep. You've gotta do what you've gotta do because we need the energy. And we don't have to suffer. There will be pain and there will be hard things and then how do you let that expand you into more love?
More freedom. More energy. And keep going in joy.
In pleasure. In play."

Lisa’s new book Self Source-ery is available now from your favourite booksellers.

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The Source-ed Sessions
a conversation series hosted by Lisa Lister. card pulls + heart riffs with some of my favourite women as we explore our own self source-ery.