The Source-ed Sessions
The Siren Call with Ewa Blaszczak, the Magic Card

The Siren Call with Ewa Blaszczak, the Magic Card

A conversation all about sharing your magic, even when it scares you

Ewa is the inspiration for the "Magic" card in the new SHE Sirens oracle deck.
In her own words:

"I wake up every morning to teach people about how to be, live and work at their highest potential, fully and unapologetically, using their unique gifts and talents to serve others. I help them remember their magic. During daytime I am called a leader, a business teacher, a coach, a keynote speaker, an author. After the sun sets I am better known as an intuitive, a channel, an Akashic Records reader. In essence I am a beam of light. As we all are. You can see it in my eyes. I can see it in yours.
You will find my day-time magic here and my moon-time magic here."

Blessed to know + love Ewa as a friend + sister in the world + I had a really beautiful conversation with her all about sharing our magic and telling our truth...even when it scares you.


Some of the things we talk about include:

✨ Recognising the magic in our everyday realities

✨ The fear and embarrassment that accompanies Ewa sharing her magic and why she has to do it anyway

✨ Finding the courage to share her truth no matter what

  ✨ The magnetism of truth telling

✨ What it looks like for Ewa to bring her divine feminine truth telling into traditionally masculine, corporate spaces

✨ Reprogramming your mind and creating an inner culture based on the ideas and beliefs you resonate with

✨ Being discerning with the frequencies we tune into

Here are a few quotable moments that I BLOODY loved from our chat:

"The siren song, it doesn't conform with the norms. It doesn't conform with the culture. It does conform with the nature and with SHE. And that's so scary!"

"I believe in truth. I believe in this from the belly wisdom, as you say, from the belly in the Pythoness oracle of yours. The from the belly truth. And I believe that it's worth every sacrifice. Because I feel that it is sacrifice. It's sacrifice because I am sacrificing my ego every time. But I do believe in truth. And I would say, that I get inspired, I've been inspired all my life by people like you. By people like you, like Martha Beck, like Elizabeth Gilbert, and all those beautiful goddesses who are willing to be vulnerable, to go out there, and speak the truth."

"Respect comes from Latin word 'specto,' 'to see. To perceive.’ 'Re' means to see again. To respect someone means to see them again."

"So I program myself, I create an inner culture if you will [Oh I love that!]. Yeah. Based on the voices of people with whom I do resonate."

"It's nothing external. It's not even the crystals that I love so much. It's not even the herbs. We are the ingredients."

"I believe we can't do magic alone. Even when I'm in Warsaw, I'm with you. I'm with you and I'm with other sisters, connected with this grid of love. We can't do magic alone. We have to be together. This is what I believe. And then it feels that our bellies are connected, not only hearts, our bellies."

The new deck, SHE Sirens Oracle, is available NOW.
Order yours HERE.

If you already have your deck, PLEASE share + tag me on social media using #shesirensoracle so I can share the love + know that I’m hosting an Oracle attunement in a few weeks time (I’ll post the deets next week!) where we can gather together + tune into the medicine of the SHE SIRENS (+ eat chocolate + celebrate, obvz.)

The Source-ed Sessions
a conversation series hosted by Lisa Lister. card pulls + heart riffs with some of my favourite women as we explore our own self source-ery.