The Source-ed Sessions
The Source-ed Sessions: Ayesha Ophelia

The Source-ed Sessions: Ayesha Ophelia

Join Ayesha Ophelia + I as we heart riff on what it means to be untamed...

Today, as promised I’m BEYOND excited to be joined in our SOURCE-ED SESSIONS by the force of nature that is Ayesha freakin’ Ophelia.

If you don’t know her, you will DEFFO want to after this convo.
She’s a spiritual provocateur, conceptual creative, committed storyteller, artist + self-proclaimed dangerous + complicated woman.
I know, right?
Ayshea + I have been sharing love notes in the insta DMs FOREVER.
What I love most about her is how she cares little for what everyone thinks or perceives is ‘right’ + instead follows the beat of her own drum - YESSSS!

Come join us as we pull a SHE SIRENS oracle card + riff together on what comes up!

Ayesha’s website | Instagram

Some of the things we talk about include:

✨ The cycle of rebirth that happens through the process of forgetting and then remembering who we really are

✨  The connection between our sexual energy and creative energy, and staying open to that energetic flow

✨ The difference between reactive rebellion and heart-centered, responsive rebellion

✨ Waking up and inviting in joy through connection to our inner child, and the medicine this offers to our creativity

✨ Putting the freak in 'frequency' and how we actually work with this medicine, rather than getting caught up in the buzz word

✨ Taking radical self-responsibility for our own growth and development

✨ The power in feeling strongly while holding loosely

✨ The dangers of dogmatic spirituality that keeps our hearts closed off

Here are a few quotable moments that I BLOODY loved from our chat:

"I relate to the journey of forgetting and then remembering and then forgetting. It's almost like we're rebirthing ourselves through all of these times where we forget who we are."

"The modern culture is all about hustle, hustle, hustle. I'm going to create something for myself where I don't have to run out of the door at 9am. Slowing down and living cyclically is a rebellion. Rebellion doesn't necessarily have to look like using force, but it can just but it can just be like, 'I'm going to do things the way I'm being asked to do them from a deeper place.'"

"All pain is just stagnation. It's like, 'I've carried these thoughts and ideas too long. I've kept my body in this shape too long. And I'm starting to feel the effects of it.' So now for me, it's like" 'Is it heavy? Is it light?' I don't need the density."

"I still have people in my feed where I'm like, 'Oh that's not exactly how I feel but there's something for me here. There's something for me to learn.' So I haven't turned my life into this echo chamber where everyone's like, 'Yeah! Exactly what you said!' Like no challenging at all. That's not how we grow. That's how we stagnate. We have to keep opening our hearts to things that aren't for us and we don't understand to keep connected to something pure, I feel like."

"If your spirituality is making you rigid, unable to be in the room with people who don't believe the same way as you then it's all wrong. Your breathwork is not working!"

"But the rebellion of the heart is what is able to move us forward out of all of this chaos into more beauty, into more love, into more compassion, into more truth. Into more ability for us all to coexist."

Lisa’s new book Self Source-ery will be released on 22 November 22. You can preorder it from your favourite bookseller now.

The Source-ed Sessions
a conversation series hosted by Lisa Lister. card pulls + heart riffs with some of my favourite women as we explore our own self source-ery.