The Source-ed Sessions
The Source-ed Sessions Season 1 Finale

The Source-ed Sessions Season 1 Finale

Join me for a solo episode where I heart riff on the oracle card "All-seeing"

Join me for the season finale of The Source-ed Sessions season 1!

I REALLY hope you’ve LOVED on these conversations as much as I’ve loved creating them + that you’ve enjoyed meeting + coming into connection with the women I love + the cards we’ve pulled together.

NOTE: As usual, I’ll be sharing my 2023 forecast/ritual/ceremony in the SHE POWER COLLECTIVE on the 31st of December, so if you’re not already, you are SO welcome to join us there.

AND… if you’re called, I’m also offering my yearly MEET YOUR GUIDE-ESS 2023 - click HERE for all the details!

Back to today’s session, I riff solo + I pull the card “All-seeing” from the SHE SIRENS Oracle deck, which feels particularly potent for the coming year! (The new oracle deck is released at the Spring Equinox + I’ll be sharing LOTS more about those + sharing MORE conversations in the new year.)

Oh, and if you’ve read and/or are reading Self Source-ery, thank you, thank you, thank you. (Also if you’re called, please share a review over on Amazon too! Apparently it helps more people to see it + it means my publisher will be really happy, which means potentially more new books from me in the future! Ha! If however, you buy from independents, I TOTALLY get it + TOTALLY support that but would still love to know your thoughts + feels in the comments though!)

Okay, I’m signing out for 2022 - year of feminine wisdom, of Self Source-ery, of Magdalene Medicine + I’ll be back here, in this Substack space, in 2023, to share invitations on how to work with + dive deeper into ALL that we’ve discovered + revealed so we can REALLY come to our senses, trust our instincts + remember our magic to both navigate + co-create the What Comes Next…

In the meantime, tune into this ep, listen back to some of the past conversations, go seek out the gorgeous women I shared air time with + know that however you’re currently feeling + whatever’s currently unfolding for you, I’m sending you ALL the biggest love + blessings on your heart + heads…

A few things I talk about include:

✨ Tuning out of “small screen” vision, into the inherent, all-seeing capacity we all hold

✨ How the way we show up in the world can change when we act from a place of inner knowing

✨ How ‘inner sight’ was cultivated in my particular family

✨ My call back to ancient temple practices and why I share some of these in my new book, Self Source-ery

✨ Why these times require us to ‘see in the dark’ to help create what comes next

A few juicy nuggets that came up:

"The hypnosis no longer has the same effect on you...thank goodness for that! And you can see clearly now. You've always been able to but it's just that sometimes, inevitably, living in this world, you forget. And now you're able to trust your vision. Let it land in your heart. And it's here that you claim your power. You dare to take up space and lead in your own unique-to-you way."

"And from that place you do show up differently because you see and you know. And when you see and you know, you trust yourself. You trust your vision. You trust your knowing. And your presence, well that becomes your power. You can see what's going on. You can see between the words that are spoken and hear what's not being said. You know when you're being lied to and you know when you meet real."

"And if you are someone who bleeds it really might be worth noticing where you're at in your cycle. If this card comes up for you or if this conversation resonates with you, to recognize the all-seing experience in each phase."

"Now this all-seeing kind of concept...I call it a concept but it's a real, tangible skill set. It's a gift. It's a talent. It's an art. And it can be hella magical and trippy and it can span lifetimes and timelines. It's quite the ride."

"And to be clear, when I talk about cultivating our own inner sight, our own ability to see it all, I'm not suggesting that means we know it all. Although, we all know way more than we've been told we do. We simply need to remember. It just means that we're much more able to practice discernment."

"Look, we don't have to agree on everything. Far, far from it. But in our hearts, and in our wombs if we have them, we have to know that we can see in the dark. And yes, these times? They might feel a little too dark.
Yet, it's in the void of no-thing that anything is possible."

Lisa’s new book Self Source-ery is available now from your favourite booksellers.

The Source-ed Sessions
a conversation series hosted by Lisa Lister. card pulls + heart riffs with some of my favourite women as we explore our own self source-ery.